
Translate a Music Video

In this activity I'd like you to try to do some translation. You should also be able to practice your listening and watch some videos too.

The activity uses a website called Dot Sub which has collections of videos which you can add subtitles to. These can either be transcriptions (the script in the same language) or translations. There is already quite a number of transcribed and translated videos, including a selection of music videos, so do look at some of those.
  • You are going to translate a simple song into your own language. To do this you will have to register on the site at:
  • Once you have done that go to this link to Tom's Diner and click on 'Transcribe video'.
  • You should then play the clip, listen and pause it after each sentence to either write in the words in English or translate them to your own language.
  • Make sure that you also add the timing when the line from the audio began.
  • Try to either transcribe or translate the whole video. If you enjoy doing this you could translate some more of the videos and even upload some of your own videos and add subtitles to them.

I hope you find this activity useful and come back tomorrow for more EFL ESL activities to help you improve your English.

Related links for teachers:


Nik Peachey

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