
Write Your English Resume

Many people learn English because they need it to help find work. Having a resume or CV in English can also help you and help to display your English skills, but writing a resume isn't easy.

In today's activity you are going to create an English resume using a tool that will help you with the structure and the wording of your resume.

  • Go to: and click on 'Start Your Resume Now'. You will need to register to use the site, but this is quite quick, especially if you already have a Yahoo or Google account.
  • Once you have registered the 'Resume Builder' will take you through the steps involved in creating your resume. First, you can start to add your details to the resume
  • You will then be asked to add a headline. If you click on the template tab you will get some suggestions for the wording of this.

  • You can then add details about your education, work history, achievements, qualifications etc. Again you can get help wording these where you see the template tab. You just select the appropriate words from the structure.
  • Finally, when you get to the format stage you can either download you resume as a text file (then edit on your computer using a word processor) or html (if you want to put it on a website)
  • You can also post it to a range of free job searching websites, but only do this if you are serious about finding work and your information is true.
I hope you have enjoyed creating your English resume. Here are some more Business English Activities.

Related links for teachers:

Nik Peachey

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