- For the first part of this task, you can simple watch and enjoy two short music videos and just decide which video you like the most.
- This one is "You Could Be Happy" and the music is by Snow Patrol
- This one is called "Rain drops" and the music is by Regina Spector
- You can find more videos like this at Music and Muffins and Serene Rhapsody
- Once you have chosen the video you like best, think about how the images illustrate the story of the song.
- Try to think of a song that you like and the story behind the song.
- Find the lyrics for the song at: http://www.lyrics.com/ and copy each line of the lyrics onto a sheet of paper.
- Put the sheets of paper in order and then do a simple sketch on each sheet of paper to illustrate the line from the song.
- Now using a simple digital camera you can create your own 'stop motion' video of the song.
- Here you can find step by step instructions showing how this is done.
- Here you can watch a video of how to make stop motion videos
- Once you have create your video you will need to add the sound track too. This is a great way to enjoy music and develop your English.
- Here you can find 20 + more video activities for EFL ESL students
Related links for teachers:
- Create an ESL EFL Video Quiz
- Crazy Comparatives & Superlatives
- 12 Second Video Clips for EFL ESL
- Create Image Books
- Sending Bubble Joy to your EFL / ESL Students
- Microblogging for EFL with Plurk
- Great Video Commenting Tool
- 20 WebCam Activities for EFL ESL Students
- Online Video: For Language Development
- Online Video: As Knowledge Resource
- Online Video: Authentic Genres
- Free Educational TV Channels
- News Videos for EFL ESL Materials Design
Nik Peachey
started making my own music video today. Will let you know when it's ready.
Lovely post and idea. Of course, the drawinggs could also be scanned?
It seems easier that way to me. What do you think?
I think it's swings and roundabouts. There are advatages to either way of doing it, but scanning would certainly work too.
A very useful blog entry. I'm doing this with my students at the moment so the infomation about the speed setting is very useful.I've used Wordle before with songs- takes quite along time though! see my blog entry
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