
Improve your English through film clips

When learning English it's important that you hear as many different accents and types of voices from different ages of speaker so that you are able to understand English wherever you go. This activity gives you lots of opportunity to practice your listening skills and broaden your understanding of English speakers.

This is a simple and enjoyable activity to test your listing skills. It's based around video clips from YouTube with interaction built in through the  VoScreen website.


Go to the Voscreen website at:

You can sign up for free, but you don't have to, just click on 'Start as Guest'.
Then select your first language and click on save.

Next you will see the first video clip. Play the clip and listen to the short piece of text. You can play the clip a number of times if you aren't sure you understand it. If you still aren't sure you can click 'Show me the script' to see the script.
You then have to choose the correct translation. You have 15 seconds to make your choice.
You score points for guessing correctly and you can see your score above the video clip.

You can play for as long as you wish, but coming back to regularly for a few minutes each day should really help to improve your listing skills.

I hope you enjoy this activity.

Related links for teachers:
Nik Peachey

1 comment:

  1. Great! I'd like to use this in my classroom! We don't have the resources for a computer for each student, but it could be turned into a classroom group activity, with the help of a projector and some teamwork!


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