
Word Puzzles

Connecting words to images can really help you to develop your vocabulary. That's why having access to an online visual dictionary is so useful.

Today's task is based around the Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary.

It has a lot of really valuable information about different topics and can really help to develop your vocabulary.
Today's task is based around the weekly labeling game. There is a new one of these each week, so be sure to check the site each week and try out each new game.


  • Drag the labels to to the appropriate place on the image. If you don't know then move forward to another word.
If you enjoy this activity, be sure to check the archive where you can find more games based around different topics. Games Archive

Come back tomorrow for more EFL ESL activities.

More vocabulary activities

Related links for teachers:

Nik Peachey


  1. Very practical, engaging material for both ESL learners and teachers. Good job!

    By the way, I heard of your site through a student review on a classroom assignment: find an ESL blog and write a short review.

  2. @ Eric

    Thanks Eric. Great to know that students are now bring teachers to the site. That's very good news.




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