Learn Some Cliches

The English language is very rich in idomatic sayings. Many of these come from literature and have become cliches, but it is still good to know a few of these and enjoy learning to use and understand them.

The Cliche Finder site can help you to find new cliche or idioms based around a keyword, or you can just select 10 idioms at random.


  • Go to: http://www.westegg.com/cliche/
  • Either type in a keyword such as 'Love' or 'Hand'


  • Click to select 10 random cliches by clicking on 'See Ten Random Cliches'
  • Once you have 10 cliches that you like, go to the Cambridge English Online Dictionary and check the meaning of the expressions: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
  • You do this by typing in the idiom and then clicking on 'Look it up' You then select your idiom and click.
  • Make a note of ten new idioms / cliches and what they mean.
  • If you want to try to remember these you could create a video record of each one by using one of the activities from last month: Creating a Video Vocabulary Record
I hope you enjoy this activity and it makes you 'as happy as a clam'!

Come back for more tomorrow EFL ESL activities.

Related links for teachers:

Nik Peachey

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