60 Second Writing Activity

Writing is an important skill. It can sometimes be important to write carefully and draft and redraft your letters. At other times it is good to write quickly.
Today's site, OneWord, will help you to write more quickly by imposing a time limit of one minute.


  • Go to http://oneword.com/ and click on 'Go'
  • You will see a word. Try to write as much as you can think of about that word.
  • Once you have finished you can post your text to the site and then see what other people have written about that word and the other words from the site.
Try to write as much as you can and don't worry too much about grammar and spelling.

I hope you enjoy this activity. More tomorrow.

Related links for teachers:

Nik Peachey


Anonymous said...

Thx. I love this activity.

Nik Peachey said...

You're very welcome. Hope you wrote something nice.



Verónica Criado said...

Thx for sharing!!! It is a pleasure to read what you write and play with the tools you suggest! I am learning a lot from you NICK. Once again THAN U ☺

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